Monday, June 16, 2014

Challenge # 11: The politics of fashion

I freely admit that I slacked off on this one. I've been spending most of this last fortnight working on a bustle dress for my mother to wear to an upcoming event, and that took priority. 

I decided to make a half-cockade in suffragette colors. There won't be a hat to go with it any time soon, as I'm not terribly interested in the fashions between 1890 and 1919.  But it went together quickly and painlessly. 

  • Historical Sew Fortnightly 2014

The Challenge: The politics of fashion
Fabric: Nope
Pattern: Nada
Year: 1910's
Notions: Purple, white, and green grosgrain ribbon, thread
How historically accurate is it? Completely hand sewn and pleated
Hours to complete: 1
First worn: Probably not
Total cost: $6

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